Our mission is only to make a positive impact on other people lives. We are truly trying to help our clients to live their lives on their terms.
Be assured that we have your best interests at heart and are completely committed to satisfying your every insurance need. MI Insurance & Financial LTD have the privilege to deal with all leading insurance companies of Canada. We are in the industry for the last 10 years and have served our clients with great commitment and passion.

There are so many uncertainties in life, particularly in today's economic atmosphere. Protecting your family's financial security has never been more important.
The loss of any family member is traumatic, but the loss of a wage earner can be devastating without adequate life insurance.
As a professional life insurance advisor with 10 years experience, I have seen far too many families suffer the additional pain caused by a lack of adequate life insurance when a wage earner was lost. Sadly, this added pain did not have to occur.
No one really likes to think about life insurance. And that's perfectly understandable. But it is even less pleasant to think about what can happen to your loved ones if you don't have life insurance.
Without your income, will your family be taking the bus to work in low-wage jobs-just to pay the rent for the apartment they moved into after losing the family home to foreclosure? Will your loved ones cringe when the phone rings because it might be one of your creditors harassing them?
Or will your family continue to live comfortably in the home they shared with you all these years, grateful that you had the foresight to protect their future? Will your children say a silent “thank you” to you when they park their car on campus to start their first day of college?
The right life insurance policy can make the difference between those two scenarios. Many life insurance ads mention the value of peace of mind, and the best peace of mind comes from being sure your family is protected against financial catastrophe!
If you want to provide your family with the best protection possible, give us a call and
Start protecting your family's future today!